Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 4: Zoot Sims Bohemia after Dark (1956)

I was introduced to Zoot Sims through The Jack Kerouac album "Blues and Haikus". I had never heard of Jack or Zoot but it was on my brothers Christmas wish list so I picked up the complete Jack Kerouac box set for him. I really enjoyed those records but for some reason Zoot never really caught on with me. A few years ago I started asking players about their early influences and was surprised to find out Ralph Bowen was a big fan. So I looked into Zoot Sims. This album was a joy to listen to. Zoot plays a lot of terrific lines somewhat reminiscent of Stan Getz. He's one of those players that has an effortless flow-like every note he plays is the perfect choice. The band plays really well together and the recording quality is very warm. Highly recommended!! (woody 'n you is a favourite-I hope you enjoy it)

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